Monday, June 6, 2011

Why Honduras Pt 2, Gracias a Dios Por Todo

Gracias a Dios Por Todo:  Translated with my muy poquito Spanish is "Thank you God for everything!"  This is also the name of a blog of an American missionary who lives and works full time in Honduras.  I'll share more about that later!!!

Why Honduras?  I can't say that I'm asked this question specifically, but I often am asked indirectly or I see the question in their eyes.  I have had people say, "We have plenty of poor people here in the United States." 


I apologize if I have said this already, but it's like I explain to my second graders every year.......In the United States, we are rich compared to most people in the world. 

That comment always gets their attention.  I explain to them that we all have:  1.  plenty of food to eat   2.  nice, comfortable, warm shelter  3.  medicine when we need it  4.  free education  5. a fair & just (for the most part) government 6. clean water  I'm sure you could add to the list!!

Some Facts about Honduras: (Many other countries in Central & South America have similar statistics!)

Honduras is a small country in Central America, that's the land connecting North and South America.  According to , Honduras is the 2nd poorest country in C. America and the 3rd poorest in Latin America.  Approximately 2/3 of Hondurans live in poverty, but when we are there it seems like much more than that.  The average Honduran family survives on $1,500-2,000 a year.  You might think that things are a lot cheaper there, but they really aren't.  The poverty can be overwhelming, but we have to remember.......................
Matthew 25:34-45
34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
 37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
 40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

 Other nearby countries, like Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and others, are very similar in their economic status.  There is plenty of need and the beautiful people are very grateful!!! 

 We have even gotten personal thanks from people who work in the government who are so thankful that we are helping their people.

Below you will see a picture of me working in an area called Mololoa.  It is one of the poorest areas of the capital city, Tegucigalpa.  Several years ago, some American missionaries saw a great need in the area and began passing out food to the poor. 

This idea grew into a  feeding program where a hot meal is prepared for the poor children of the area.  In recent years, they have also added a daycare to assist the poor families so they can work.  If you check out the link in the beginning, you can find out more about their works.

Pictures of Mololoa:

Torch has helped by:  bringing cups, plates, eating utensils, helping in the kitchen, painting the daycare, mending fences, assembling a playground, just to name a few things.

Ways you can help: Visit their blog and read about their specific works, the children they serve and the wonderful ladies who work there. Pray for them and their efforts. Their blog also has a place where you can donate to their work.

Update on me:  If you are following my countdown (see below), you know that I leave in 16 days.  I have bought a large suitcase that will hopefully hold all of the extra supplies that my church family has donated.  I haven't started packing my stuff yet.  It's a little early for that!  I called today to see about my travel meds.  I usually take a pill for malaria and we always take a "just in case" antibiotic for travel's diarrhea.  (The antibiotic often comes in handy, either for myself or I someone else on the trip!!)  Between the different food, and accidentally drinking any of their water, someone usually gets sick!

I'm loving the days off from school.  I feel as free as a bird.  Last week, I exercised 5 days and I'm hoping to do at least that this week.  Yesterday, I took an hour class called Body Pump.  It was a whole hour of weight training to music.  I started getting sore before I got in my car!!! :/ 

 Today, I have been working on this and dealing with some family business and I have to say it is 1:44 and I am still in my pjs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe I shouldn't tell on myself.  Well, it's just me and the dog, so, who cares?????  I think I will fix me a salad and go to the Y.  I see an easy 45 min. on the elliptical and treadmill in my future.

Stay tuned for Why Honduras Pt. 3!!!!!!!!!!!!


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