Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 5: Fencing, Dirt, Rocks and Roots....oh, I forgot & VBS

Day 5:

Our team spent another day at San Ysidro.  As I said yesterday, there is only one church in the village and it’s a Church of Christ.  It sits on a parcel of land that has been deeded to the community.  The church and the community have begun many projects there.  There are several projects that I may not have mentioned yesterday.
                                          The church (Some of us put in screens in the window and installed ceiling fans.P

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Joy after removing a large root and finishing a row!

One of the interns, Minor, portraying Jesus Cristo.

If you look closely you can see a boat and water.  They are fishing and not having any luck on that side.

The moms are watching the stories and the smaller children are hanging towards the back.

  A group feeds the children out of the church, (we observed this when we were eating our lunch today. The community/church has started many projects on this deeded land. (I apologize if I mentioned them already.) I think I said it was 2 acres, I believe it’s bigger than that.  They are trying to dig a community well, but they have run into many roadblocks. (Pray that things will come together for them.)  They have also dug a pond to raise tilapia, but with the dry spell, it’s totally empty.  They are very excited about all of these projects, and we felt blessed to be able to help them these past two days. 

                                                    I tried talking to this little girl Juanita.  She was kind of quiet and didn't talk much.  You can't really tell but here hair had blond streaks in it.  I found out from Diane that was a sign of malnutrition.  We did notice that when the ladies feed them the meal they also gave them a multi-vitamin.

                                      Chickens behind the church

Here you see where the ladies prepare the noon meal.  They made beans and rice.

Part of our team continued to work on the security fence.  They are very necessary here, because anything of value often comes up missing.  I (and many others) continued to work on breaking ground for the community garden.  We found many rocks, roots, and stumps.  Much of the ground reminded me of the hard packed red clay that we see in Tennessee.  If you are familiar with it, then you know it is very hard to break up.  Luckily today we had three pick-axes and some strong young men to help us!!  Also, an angel from Key West named Cindy purchased two very nice rakes that helped make our job easier!!!

                                          Here Taylor is clowning during one of our many water breaks.  It was warm  and sunny and we were careful to stay hydrated.

                                    Here is the main garden team!

Around noon, we had a VBS for the local children.  Some of the creative young people prepared and acted out the story of Jesus telling the fisherman to fish on the other side.  The story was wonderful and included props, costumes, games, and crafts.  VBS is not complete without cookies and punch.  We had that too!!!

Tomorrow we will go back to worship with our brothers and sisters at the San Ysidro Church of Christ and then we will have a long bus ride back to Tegucigalpa after lunch. 

The rains came just as we finished up for the day!!!

Tyler is leading our singing during our evening devotional.

Until next time!!! Xoxo PJ

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! It was great to see familiar faces. Glad to see that Minor is still working hard with the groups - what a wonderful encourager. Love the garden team - great group of workers. I bet the singing is just as awesome as it was last year. I can almost hear it, now. The little girl, Juanita, has the sweetest face. I remember those faces . . . they reach in and touch your soul . . . and stay in your heart forever. Thank you so much for taking the time to do your wonderful blog. I am enjoying it so much. Take care and God bless.
