Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 1&2 Pictures

(I moved to the hallway upstarts where the internet is better, so I was able to upload my pictues.)

Yes, I am alive!!!

                                           The hall of the ladies' dorm, you can see some of the supplies left over from the last Torch team.

                                           More supplies left over from the last team.

                                                Some of the ladies of the advance team (minus me)

                                       We call this the advance team because we are doing things to get ready for the 60+ people who are coming to work tomorrow.

I'm sorry these are so out of order, but this was taken as we were waiting to go through Customs at Honduras. (All of the people in the light blue shirts are from another Church of Christ mission group from the KY/TN area.

                                   Some of our group (can you tell Taylor loves getting his picture taken?) The people with the neon orange shirts are also with a mission group.

                                      Waiting for the rest of our group to get through customs

Wednesday we sorted through a mountain of donated clothes that we had shipped down here.  I didn't even ask for clothes from our church because I felt like I would get so much, I wouldn't be able to get enough boxes to ship them!!!!

  Riding our trusty schoolbus to do our work for the day

                                 We see this view when we drive down the mountain every day into the city

                                           Sites we saw while we were sitting in traffic

                                        Sorting and folding the unending pile of clothes

                    Every day after we sort the clothes we have to carry the 100 or so boxes back inside so everything will be secure.  (we have done this twice already!!!  Carried them out, back in, out and back in!!

               Unfortunately, a lot of the clothes were very big!!!!  The Honduran people aren't quite as big as Americans!!

Until next time!!! xoxo PJ


  1. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing these. Makes me miss Honduras even more. So glad that you are there and making a difference. Loved seeing familiar faces and places. Take care and God Bless.

  2. Interesting, give Taylor a hug from me! Love you both!
