Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are you drifting???

Are you drifting???      

When I was a teenager we always wanted a suntan.  We would "lay out" almost every day in the summer so we could get a tan.  That was before we knew about all of the harmful rays.  We might go to a pool, but sometimes we would go to the lake.  If it was real hot, we would lay on our rafts in the water.  There is one problem with laying out on a raft in the don't stay in the same drift.

In life, just like those old summers on the lake, you can be drifting and you don't even know it. Wordly things can cause us to drift.  It's very subtle and we don't even realize that it is happening.  Drifting can cause us to be pulled away from  the things that are most important to us. (family, even our faith) We might lose interest in God's word.  We might stop praying or we get too busy to go to church.  Pretty soon, we don't feel close to God anymore.  We've drifted away.

Hopefully, in life, we don't drift, but we paddle so we go in the right direction.  If you have ever paddled a canoe, it can be difficult.  There is no rudder.  A rudder helps a boat go in the right direction.  We also need a rudder in our lives.  What is our rudder????  What gives us direction?  What keeps us going  in the right direction??  Where do you want to end up at the end of your journey???  What's your goal?

Well, I'm shooting for heaven. How do you get there???  I suggest you use God's guidebook for the life........THE BIBLE, GOD'S WRITTEN WORD. 

Personal update:
Today was my fifth full day of school.  Things are going really well.  I seem to have a really good class! M y son Lucas is finishing his time up in Afghanistan in a few weeks.  We have planned a family trip together.  It's a once in a lifetime trip.  More information on that later.  It's somewhere "green".

The security is busy around 7:30 every day.

Today's blog was inspired by my new favorite Bible, Charles Stanley's Life Principles Daily Bible.


Here's a funny picture I found for all of those teachers out there.  The caption said, "Help Wanted: Two million teachers"

Until next time!!!


1 comment:

  1. Yes yes.....i think we had a traumatic canoe trip at red river when i was younger.....good drifting example lol
